Something beautifully amazing happens when you give your soul a pen; it writes what the heart and mind cannot.
— Sarena James,

© 2013 Raphael James. All Rights Reserved

 It writes from the depths of itself, to save itself, to know itself, to believe in its self.  When the soul takes note of life and living, there is poetry, and song, and a freedom dance to transparency’s rhythm.  The art of breathing is first found through breaths. Every soul jot is a breath of air. Every jot is indicative of the souls' pulse and strength and resilience. I jot to take my thoughts for a walk. I jot for the release and truth it brings. I jot for the regularity and balance of my emotions. I jot for my soul to embrace that being and becoming our separate journeys best taken on the write road.

Sarena James

Soul Jots 

A jot. In word count it is the smallest and simplest of things, but here its anatomy comes from the greatest part of the human existence, the part that still speaks when the body is silenced; the soul. From that place it speaks intently. Soul Jots is a house of sorts for words. In each room, there is a quiet space to hear and write your own self happy, or free, or through.  Know that your soul has an endless supply of ink. Each day has its own offering of lessons to teach, and laughter to bring, and life to remember. Jot to a better place and to keep your place in this big world full of triumphs and tears, turbulence and tenderness.

That’s right. Write on…

Sarena James creator of explains the "Art of Jotting".